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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Rock Garden, Chandigarh

Desi Nuskhaey (Home-remedies)

Nava saal , gurpurab ,Lohri, basant panchami,  Valentine's Day, Holi, Vaisakhi have all come and gone and it is now that I get time for this blog!It's not that I haven't thought about writing something on here now and then but life keeps me engaged in other ways. Ever since the start of 2014, one thing that has been a constant on my end has been sickness.. not the really serious kind (Thank God!) but just coughs and colds. Turns out that I have allergies which have now developed into some sort of bacterial infection that needs antibiotics.Hopefully that will be the end of it. But over the course of these sniffles, I have been offered  many desi nusakhey to cure myself, as I am sure everyone from that part of the world has been whenever they so much as sneeze or cough. So this blog is going to be a chronicle of the desi ilaajs that have ALWAYS worked their magic in someone else:):

1. Gararey (gargles): namak vaaley yaan phatkari vaaley

2. Heat some honey, add some ajwain and kali mirch and take 1 spoon before sleeping

3. Little bit of boiling milk, add a spoon of ghee, drink before sleeping

4. Little bit of boiling milk, adda pinch of turmeric , drink before sleeping

5. Adrak (ginger ) tea

6. Eat "sabat kali mirch" (peppercorn) whenever cough strikes

7. Dashaunda (I don't know how to describe it, but you can get it at any Indian store)

There you have it one remedy for each day of the week. Follow this for 2 weeks and you will be back to normal (of course by then the infection could go away itself also). The good thing about all of these is that all the ingredients mentioned above are natural and won't really do any harm( when consumed in small proportions). So next time you hear anyone sneeze, just rattle off this list and score some "sianap" points!